Wednesday, September 11

Tag: (Role) Model

Abi Clarke: (Role) Model – Pleasance Courtyard Beneath

Abi Clarke: (Role) Model – Pleasance Courtyard Beneath

Abi Clarke rose to fame overnight via a TikTok video that went viral, ever since she has been climbing the social media and stand-up comedy ladder, but with all this new found fame she is left with one major dilemma: does this mean that she should have to be a role model now too? In this rather funny stand-up comedy show Clarke addresses what it means to be a stereo typical “role model”, the limitations to being an influencer by trade and pressures that we women put on ourselves in this day and age. We learn about how fame has changed her as a person and question if one can truly be a role model when their favourite TV moments are those of pretty girls getting their hair chopped off on American’s Next Top model. Abi is a natural performer, her energy is infectious and she is just...