Saturday, February 8

Tag: Ricky Allan

Treason the Musical – Alexandra Palace

Treason the Musical – Alexandra Palace

From a young age people in the UK know the 5th of November is Fireworks Night. ‘Remember, remember the 5th of November…’ we all know the rhyme for Guy Fawkes night. We may be hazy on the details, but we know it’s something to do with some guy plotting to blow up parliament. Which is essentially what ‘Treason: The Musical’ is the story of: it is the gun powder plot of 1605; the failed assassination attempt to blow up King James I during the opening of parliament. The story could’ve been heavy – it deals with religion, ideological conflict, tolerance, revolutionary thought and protest, but it’s not. It’s an uplifting musical celebration of protest and revolution. It’s about not standing by while the authorities overreach their power, it’s about speaking up and taking action to make wha...
Treason The Musical – Festival Theatre

Treason The Musical – Festival Theatre

Ricky Allan’s Treason, The Musical ends on a poignant point - years after the event itself, we’re fixated on the burning of a man who never started the fire. The story, in theory, is simple. Here is the Gunpowder plot, but like you’ve never seen it before. And, instead of focusing on the primary school stories of your youth where Guy Fawkes is caught red-handed and burnt at the stake, Treason focuses on the themes of persecution, scapegoating and secrecy to understand the motives behind the real plotters who took the Gunpowder plot from being a desperate last resort to a possible reality. Setting out the motivations behind the plot, the storyline follows Thomas Percy as he embroils himself in a group of plotters to take down parliament. At the same time, the figure of Guy Fawkes watches...
Spotlight on Ricky Allan, Composer and Co-writer of Treason The Musical

Spotlight on Ricky Allan, Composer and Co-writer of Treason The Musical

Remember, remember the 5th of November, for its gunpowder, treason, and plot We're here to tell you the rest of the tale, the one that history books forgot Guy Fawkes remains an anonymous figure, we have more to bring to the table It's time to meet the rest of the plotters, in our fiery musical fable We caught up with Ricky Allan to find out more about his new musical ‘Treason The Musical’.  Filmed at Cadogan Hall, this concert version is available to watch from 12th March to 14th March 2021.  To buy tickets go to What inspired you to write/compose ‘Treason The Musical’? I have always been fascinated by the story and felt it had a natural theatrical flair to it which deserved to be explored. Whilst working on the Strand...