Sunday, September 8

Tag: Revelations of Rab McVie

Revelations of Rab McVie – Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh

Revelations of Rab McVie – Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh

Every now and again you review a show which really stands out. Here is one. The Revelations of Rab McVie is advertised as an immersive journey through a psychedelic dreamscape of live painting, live music and theatre and the real buzz in the packed theatre bar before this show was ready evidence of the unique event to come.   Experimental, raw, flawed, real. The irony of this five-star show is that with more performances, it can be even better. Barely rehearsed and on only the second night of its world premiere, this experimental ground-breaking show has been and gone, and it was my undoubted privilege to have witnessed its brief existence. Five strong band, The Filthy Tongues, from Edinburgh were at the top of their game, showcasing works from their new album, In These Dark Pla...