Saturday, February 8

Tag: Remember The Before

Remember The Before – Hen & Chickens Theatre

Remember The Before – Hen & Chickens Theatre

An unnamed couple try to pick over their relationship memories, but why do their memories differ?  An intriguing peek into this couple’s relationship history, who have been given numbers and not names (one is played by Sarah Pearcey and two by Jed McLoughlin).  Written by Jed McLoughlin and directed by Pippa Dykes, the story arc gives plenty in terms of intrigue.  Jed’s character (One) buzzes, as his extrovert nature wins over his partner when they first meet, he is funny, lovable, and larger than life, whereas Sarah (Two) is more reserved, but loves his outgoing nature.  The couple clearly care about each other, but it is unclear whether they have a future together, as their shared experiences don’t appear to have evolved into shared memories.  It asks the ...