Tuesday, January 21

Tag: Proper Adult

Proper Adult – Altrincham Garrick
North West

Proper Adult – Altrincham Garrick

Life is funny. When we're young we can't wait to be grown up to do all the things we can't do. And then when we're adults we wish we could relive our youth. That is exactly what 'Proper Adult' by Megan Relph captures. This is a short one woman show where we meet Rachel, who has just turned 18 and has started her first job. Although we soon realise she's not prepared for adulthood. New writing is always something I look forward to in the fringe, you have no idea what to expect. While I felt this was a good production with some nice moments, it was too short to really get emotionally invested in it. In its current format, this would work well as a warm up act, or as a series of short plays performed in one evening. Having said that I do think Relph has the bones of something here and w...