Pilot Theatre’s new play with music Mary and the Hyenas tells the story of a pioneering feminist
Pilot Theatre usually offer their audience plays with a contemporary cutting edge, but this time for Mary and the Hyenas they’re gone back in time to tell the story of a pioneering feminist from the 18th century.
Born in Beverley near Hull, Mary Wollstonecraft worked as a schoolteacher, a governess and as a translator for a London publisher before publishing her first book, Thoughts on the Education of Daughters, in 1787. This was followed by the still influential her later work on the place of women in society published as A Vindication of the Rights of Woman five years later, which at its core is a plea for equality in the education of men and women. The Vindication is widely regarded as the founding document of modern feminism.
Written by Maureen Lennon for this producti...