Tuesday, March 11

Tag: Paggy Gacheva

Stimmicanto – Barons Court Theatre

Stimmicanto – Barons Court Theatre

Do you keep more than five pictures of Paul Rudd on your laptop? Have you ever tried and failed to make small talk with your own brain? Do you find yourself giggling at peculiar street names on a regular basis? If so, consider this your sign to check out Stimmicanto, an hour of offbeat comedy full of surprises. The show, conceived and performed by comedian Paggy Gacheva, densely packs a wide-ranging slew of information into its 60-minute run time. Audiences are guided gently through its many transitions between topics, but their frequency and lack of clear directional focus prevent viewers from settling into consistent enjoyment, and the absence of an overall theme in the work at times makes it difficult to follow. The joy, or “encanto” Gacheva finds in performance is evident and...