Opera North’s The Flying Dutchman – Leeds Grand Theatre
The Flying Dutchman, often regarded as Wagner’s first true Gesamtkunstwerk (total artwork), has a somewhat problematic yet refreshingly straightforward narrative – at least compared to most operas. There are no mistaken identities, hidden family ties, or scheming servants – just a simple, if slightly absurd, tale of love, obsession, and redemption. Oh, and death. Mustn’t forget the death.
A sea captain, Daland, encounters the cursed Flying Dutchman, doomed to sail forever unless he finds true love. Offered treasure, Daland promises his daughter, Senta, in marriage. (What is she, some sort of chattel?) Senta, previously obsessed with the Dutchman’s legend and oft to be seen worshipping his picture, eagerly accepts. After their union, her former l...