Sunday, October 6

Tag: Matilda Jr

Matilda Jr – Edinburgh Academy, Magnusson Theatre

Matilda Jr – Edinburgh Academy, Magnusson Theatre

A lone pink teddy bear sits centre stage under a yellow spotlight, behind it a bare scaffold. Do not expect lavish sets, this is a stripped back and shortened, junior, version of this family favourite. But worry not, what it loses in artifice it more than makes up for in oodles of acting, singing and dancing talent, from juniors and adults alike, and a sound system to die for. The well appointed auditorium is full and child heavy, crisps and haribos are munched, capri suns slurped. There is an expectant murmur from the packed crowd, and why not, this is after all a totally sold out run by Edinburgh crowd favourites Captivate, old hands at putting on fabulous fringe productions. A child walks out and picks up the teddy bear, is joined by another and another until, by my calculatio...