Sunday, October 6

Tag: James Seager

Sherlock Holmes – An Online Adventure

Sherlock Holmes – An Online Adventure

Written by Oliver Lansley and Anthony Spargo. Directed by Oliver Lansley and James Seager A classic Sherlock Holmes murder mystery creatively delivered through Zoom. Many of us have been using Zoom for our work and leisure since the lockdown and now Les Enfants Terribles in collaboration with LIVR have cleverly used the format to deliver an interactive murder mystery event, ideal for small groups. In the Case of the Hung Parliament, online sleuths have to collaborate with each other to solve the case of the murder of three senior cabinet members, the Foreign Secretary, the Home Secretary and the Lord Chancellor. Unfortunately, it isn’t the present cabinet but a Victorian administration from the days of Sherlock Holmes who has left the jovial Dr Watson (Ralph Bogard) to guide us th...