Wednesday, January 15

Tag: James Phelan

The Dreamer: Live – Underbelly Circus Hub

The Dreamer: Live – Underbelly Circus Hub

One of the most heavily (and successfully) promoted shows I’ve ever seen on the Fringe, the ubiquitous posters have foretold of the coming of the boy wonder, James Phelan, long before his arrival. But is it and is he really up to the hype? Well, yes and no. Without wanting to give too much away – no spoilers here – the show is certainly entertaining. In Underbelley’s giant Spiegeltent know as ‘The Beauty’, Phelan holds court from a raised ‘in the round’ centre stage, which suits his style of friendly bonhomie. His quick wit plays on the answers from various audience volunteers and draws easy and relaxed laughs, and never in a nasty way. The biggest surprise and to some extent, disappointment, here, is that this is not really a magic show at all, in the traditional sense, but m...