Monday, January 13

Tag: Iphigenia

<strong>Iphigenia – The Hope Theatre</strong>

Iphigenia – The Hope Theatre

This take on a Greek classic directed by Elsie Yager focuses on how a woman may submit herself to a brutal ending. Set in a bedroom designed by TK Hay with all white props, against a red and black floor, it hints at the drama and tragedy, but the intimacy conveys the feeling of a lived experience. We enter the space with Iphigenia (Karen Barredo) sat incessantly brushing her hair solemnly. The chorus members manifest as real people in video interviews projected onto the bed and wall. Without an introduction to the people in the videos, I searched for the link between them and Iphigenia. I eventually understood that those interviewed were foreshadowing and reflecting upon Iphigenia’s experiences as a woman but throughout different eras. Alongside these, Iphigenia passes through the stage...