Saturday, July 27

Tag: Icarus

Talking Gods V: Icarus – Arrows and Traps Theatre

Talking Gods V: Icarus – Arrows and Traps Theatre

The final episode of Talking Gods from Arrows & Traps Theatre, tells the story of Icarus, his father and the deep, dark secret which haunted his life. Written and directed by Ross McGregor, this is story family, and what happens when something alters your view of your closest relatives. Icarus (Adam Elliott) is a well-spoken journalist and new father. The piece opens with him reminiscing about his scientific and loving father, who recently passed away. The funeral was busy, and Icarus spent much of it ensuring his mother didn’t become overwhelmed. Wanting to be a part of the real world, Icarus goes straight back to work, reporting on Zeus’ trail for various sexual assaults. Interviewing Hestia, he is discomfited by her omniscience. As she hints at the dark secret Icarus’ father ...