Those of a nervous disposition at the Hull New Theatre on Wednesday evening were warned, just before curtain up, that platform shoes and white satin trousers would be much in evidence on the stage, as feel-good musical Mamma Mia! came to town.
Talented musicians got a packed theatre into the right mood, pre-show, by playing several of Abba’s hits, the Swedish super-group whose music is the backbone of this energetic production. As the curtain rose, we were all eager to hear the words “I do, I do, I do, I do, I do, I do”.
Set on a beautiful Greek island, Mamma Mia! tells the story of taverna owner Donna Sheridan (Sara Poyzer), her 20-year-old daughter Sophie (Jena Pandya), and Sophie’s upcoming marriage to Sky (Toby Miles), to be held on the island.
Sophie intrigued all of her life...