Wednesday, January 15

Tag: Hazel Beattie

Sunshine On Leith – Assembly Rooms

Sunshine On Leith – Assembly Rooms

A firm Edinburgh favourite, for locals and tourists alike, musical, Sunshine on Leith, set to the original songs of The Proclaimers, always does very well at Fringe time. Last years’ production by the same company, Captivate Theatre, was one of my Fringe highlights. So, I was looking forward to this one, accompanied this time by my musical loving daughter. Following a pair of discharged soldiers, Ally and Davy, as they return home, across Pilrig Street and via Central bar to their beloved Leith, it is a simple romantic tale which initially at least, leans more towards comedy than drama and lets the music do most of the talking. Early highlights, I’m On My way, it's over and done with, and Let’s get Married set the tone, and have the packed crowd chanting along to these uplifting son...