Monday, February 10

Tag: Gerald Armin

Starting Here, Starting Now – Waterloo East

Starting Here, Starting Now – Waterloo East

Maltby and Shire's revue, Starting Here, Starting Now, was first produced at the Manhattan Theater Club in 1976, with songs accumulated from the many shows they had written, some of which were never produced. As a revue, their songs have seen much more success. There have been frequent revivals and even a Grammy nomination for the original cast recording.  Each song is a cleverly crafted mini-drama on the timeless themes of love and relationships, good, bad, broken, angry, joyful, new, old, hopeful and hopeless.  It's an eclectic mix of songs and styles - sometimes thrilling, sometimes funny, and occasionally baffling.  "Thrilling" are the performers, Nikki Bentley, Gina Murray and Noel Sullivan, all seasoned West End stars, whose voices individually and together are the ene...