Saturday, February 8

Tag: George Manson

Ants – The Space On The Mile

Ants – The Space On The Mile

If you’re a fan of The Apprentice you’ll love this. If you hate The Apprentice, you’ll love this. Three jargon-peddling suit-types, straight from Alan Sugar central casting, within a faceless company where no-one seems to know what it does, makes or sells are given the task, sorry, ‘brief’ of maximising profits over the next year. In a matter of hours. In a typically febrile atmosphere recognizable to anyone who’s ever worked for a large corporation, the threat of job losses and cost-cutting hovers. We’ve a statuesque terribly well-spoken HR officer, a diligent, meticulous worker from the Research department and an earthy, frequently insensitive Accounts personality direct from the locker room, trying to mansplain his way through their dilemma. They all talk a lot. They all talk even more ...