Saturday, July 27

Tag: Gabby Killick

Gabby Killick – Gilded Balloon Teviot

Gabby Killick – Gilded Balloon Teviot

In the midst of pink hues and a half full room, Gabby Killick's stand-up comedy show offers an approach to humour that certainly sparks conversation. With an emphasis on audience interaction, Killick goes into her dating life, sharing stories of drunk texting exes and the perils of mixing love and intoxication.  She doesn't shy away from taboo topics, bravely venturing into subjects like abortion and school shootings, where her willingness to tackle tough subjects is undeniable, however, there are moments where the execution feels insensitive. Her exploration of serious matters like sexual harassment and paedophiles, while brave, could benefit from a more empathetic approach. Killick's comedic one-liners, occasionally miss the mark, leaving the audience waiting for the punchline.&...