Saturday, February 8

Tag: Frozen

Frozen – Greenwich Theatre

Frozen – Greenwich Theatre

Nancy (Kerrie Taylor) finds herself with her hands full, managing the squabbles of her two young daughters. She sends the youngest, Rhona, on a small errand only for her to encounter Ralph (James Bradshaw) along the way - a man who preys on young girls who abducts her before assaulting and killing her. Indra Ové takes on the role of Agnetha, an American academic who travels to England to study Ralph and his crimes. In case you have not gathered, Bryony Lavery’s Frozen is far from a light-hearted play; it bears no resemblance to the musical of the same name playing nearby along the Thames.  We follow Ralph and Nancy over two decades as his crime haunts Nancy and resonates through her life. Director James Haddrell's has clearly given a lot of thought to the staging, as Ralph and Nanc...
Frozen: A Musical Spectacular – Disney Cruise Lines

Frozen: A Musical Spectacular – Disney Cruise Lines

This reviewer must be one of the few people to have never watched the film Frozen, although even then has been unable to entirely escape a certain level of knowledge! The film cast though were at least credited, whereas the cast of the stage show performed on the Disney Cruise Lines are forever doomed to anonymity thanks to the Disney policy of not crediting their live performers because they are the character. Frozen – A Musical Spectacular is an abridged version of the film, mostly the songs and some interlinking short scenes and feels like a cross between a spectacularly staged musical and a provincial pantomime. A small cast of principles and ensemble are tasked with creating a feel of a show that needs to be bigger. The cast, uncredited, vary in skill. The young woman playing An...