Saturday, February 8

Tag: Finn Den Hertog

The Fifth Step – The Lyceum, Edinburgh

The Fifth Step – The Lyceum, Edinburgh

World Premier The fifth step of the AA 12 step recovery program states, Admit to God, to ourselves, and to another human being, the exact nature of our wrongs. This exercise begins to provide emotional, mental and spiritual relief. By sharing wrong with a trusted confidant, guilt and shame start to melt away. At least, that’s the theory. The Fifth Step, a play by David Ireland, received its World premier tonight. A dark comedy, directed by Finn den Hertog, stars a brilliantly watchable Jack Lowden as Luka, a recovering alcoholic searching for a sponsor in the Alcoholics Anonymous program. He meets James, a recovered alcoholic, played with assurance and sensitivity by Sean Gilder, an older man who, initially at least, seems ideal to guide him through the twelve steps. ...
Sunset Song – Royal Lyceum Theatre

Sunset Song – Royal Lyceum Theatre

Dundee Rep in a major co-production with the Royal Lyceum Theatre bring a contemporary reworking of a piece of classic Scottish fiction for the next ten days, marking the end of an East coast tour through Dundee, Aberdeen and Inverness. It is not surprising that the tour has stayed in sight of the North Sea given that almost the entire dialogue is performed in the Doric language native to the North East coast of Scotland. A script that would have had my sadly departed Mother-In-Law, Isobel, chortling away and no doubt reminiscing on her Invergorden crofting roots. Much of the setting of Lewis Grassic Gibbon’s Sunset Song would have been familiar to Isobel; the chains that bind you to the land, to family and hardship. The tears, the toil, the unending bleakness and the stoic endurance...