Saturday, September 14

Tag: Ellen Trevaskiss

Birdwatching – The Space @ Venue 45

Birdwatching – The Space @ Venue 45

Black Bright Theatre has hit it out of the park once again with their latest fringe production.  The company is no stranger to the horror genre – a notoriously difficult style to actualise on stage.  However, Black Bright Theatre always manages to hit the nail on the head – this time with a meta twist.  Conceptually so well considered - what seems to be a classic coming of age story, becomes a fourth-wall-breaking, psychologically-thrilling powerhouse.  The three actors (Ellen Trevaskiss, Maddie Farnhill, and Mimi Millmore) were exceptional – uniting a playful naturality, and a harrowed, tormented feel into their performances.  Their ability to cut through to an audience in such a striking way, both comedically and dramatically, has for me, been unmatched at...