Monday, February 10

Tag: Death Drop: Back in the Habit

Death Drop: Back in the Habit – Opera House
North West

Death Drop: Back in the Habit – Opera House

Are they really going to make a habit of this? Get on your knees and say your prayers: another killer comedy in the Death Drop series has descended upon Manchester. Long-serving man of the cloth, Father Alfie Romeo (LoUis CYfer) has been told about strange goings-ons at the St Babs convent. He goes to meet the flock of eccentric nuns, but his holy presence doesn’t necessarily guarantee their safety from ungodly fates. There is a Holly Stars-shaped hole in this sequel, both on-stage and in the script; she established the original Death Drop as an uproarious, Northern powerhouse of a play. With frequent references to ‘The Great British Bake Off’ and ‘The Lord of the Rings’, it seems that Rob Evans’ writing is instead intended to appeal to a much more mainstream audience. That being sai...