Wednesday, October 23

Tag: DDDivas

DDDivas – Unity Theatre
North West

DDDivas – Unity Theatre

We all know there are plenty of fully-developed, full-length theatrical productions that feel utterly impenetrable to an audience not ‘in the know’. How wonderful then to report that DDDivas, a short 10-minute selection of new material still in development, is beautifully and heartbreakingly lucid. DDDivas - which also has the working title of Ruby’s Slippers - is described as a fictional telling of real events from the life of neuro-divergent, disabled performer Elaine Collins. The audience finds Elaine’s character Ruby on an empty, unlit stage dancing alone to Cyndi Lauper. Dressed from head to toe in colour and glitter, Ruby is, quite literally, the light in the darkness. It’s obvious from the off though that the pink tights, silver bow and purple arm warmers mask a less happy truth....