Monday, February 10

Tag: Carlos Sandin

Pull My Goldfinger – Hen and Chickens Theatre

Pull My Goldfinger – Hen and Chickens Theatre

Shaken, not stirred, both intoxicating and disgusting, the worst of James Bond is what we love most. Fearless and feckless, this secret agent is on a mission to make a mess. From the deranged mind and nimble body of writer/actor, Carlos Sandin, Pull My Goldfinger is a seductive wingding of a play and a delight to behold and be held by. This absurd and interactive one-man clown show is chock full of buffoonery. Performed with aplomb, surprising sound effects, bare bravado, and unmitigated waggery, this hour’s entertainment is sure to amuse and arouse. Woodwind enthusiasts will be either delighted or horrified to see the tremendous use Sandin manages to put his clarinet to. In fact, there is very little in the playing space that Sandin doesn’t manage to pervert in some delightful a...