Friday, September 13

Tag: Bones

Bones – Park Theatre

Bones – Park Theatre

Rugby – a physically tough sport, with broken bones, but there is also a camaraderie around playing a team sport that creates a supportive network, all pulling together for ‘the Club.’  The players physical toughness belies the mental wranglings that go on with any team sportsperson before a match – will I be good enough today; I hope that I do not let the team down! Written by Lewis Aaron Wood, Bones delves into the mental health of the rugby player, in particular Ed (Ronan Cullen).  Ed is used to being in the thick of the action, in the scrum, fighting for the ball, taking the knocks, beavering away in the background to help his team on to victory.  His closest friends Charlie (Samuel Hoult) and Will (Ainsley Fannen) play for the same team, and the play begins with thei...