Sunday, February 9

Tag: Allegiance

<strong>George Takei’s Allegiance – Charing Cross Theatre</strong>

George Takei’s Allegiance – Charing Cross Theatre

A fantastic production, heart-warming and fulfilling, grounded in a real historic period. It highlights the strength of the human spirit against all odds and shows how things can bloom even through adversity. After the success of productions of Allegiance in San Diego and on Broadway it has arrived at the Charing Cross theatre, London. This musical is the story of Sam Kimura and his family who, like 120,000 other Japanese Americans during World War Two were forced into internment camps. Evicted from their homes and shipped across the country for the crime of being of Japanese descent during a war where Japan was considered the enemy. You could feel the love of the people involved; George Takei considers it his ‘legacy project’. The characters were inspired from his personal experi...