Saturday, September 14

Tag: Adam Rapp

The Sound Inside – Traverse Theatre

The Sound Inside – Traverse Theatre

Bookish brilliance! The new Dead Poets Society. Nominated for six Tony Awards, this UK premiere of Adam Rapp’s spellbinding play stars Merchant Ivory’s Madeleine Potter and The Kite Runner’s (Broadway) Eric Sirakian. From director of Psychodrama Matt Wilkinson. Beverley Baird is the unmarried and childless, cat lady, Yale creative writing professor, who tells her students to write with economy and let the reader’s imagination do the heavy lifting. Writing that your character has the ‘eyes of a star-faced mole’, or ‘a mean mouth, like a half-healed axe scar’, will tell your reader more than a page and a half full of flowery description. In reality, she is resigned to the fact that creative writing is all but dead and that her students are more interested in social media than Dostoe...