Saturday, September 14

Tag: 100% My Type On Paper

100% My Type On Paper – C Alto Studio, C Arts

100% My Type On Paper – C Alto Studio, C Arts

A Simple Look at Being Yourself in a Judgmental Society An excellent eye-opener, this show brilliantly dissects the pressures society imposes on individuals to conform, especially in the context of relationships. The narrative, driven by Benjamin as Clyde and Evie Meadows as Sammy, captures the essence of two people on their first date, struggling to hide their true selves in order to fit societal expectations. As they put on these artificial facades, it's impossible not to see yourself in their shoes—it's a mirror reflecting the sad truth that vulnerability is often misunderstood as weakness or foolishness. The show boldly challenges the stereotype that men are only after sex and are attracted to "naughty" girls, while women are solely interested in tall, handsome, and wealthy p...