Tuesday, January 21

Ross & Rachel – Altrincham Garrick Playhouse

They were arguably the biggest on-screen couple of the 1990s. But what happened after the cameras stopped rolling on Ross and Rachel? After all, no one told life was gonna be this way.

Written by James Fritz, strangely this isn’t a play about the iconic couple from Friends. Instead, it is about a young couple navigating their way through life until they’re delivered a massive blow. What starts off as relatively light hearted takes a more sinister turn.

To add to this, the play directed by Carole Carr, is essentially a series of monologues delivered by one actor. In this case Fiona Primrose rose to the challenge. Her dramatic scenes were when she shone brightest, but personally I would have preferred a more distinguished difference between the two characters. I did have the joy of seeing Primrose take on the role of Stella in the Garrick’s production of A Streetcar Named Desire, and after seeing this production I think she should have been cast in the lead role.

The set for this production was fairly basic given it’s in the Garrick’s studio space. However, that’s all that’s needed. The use of lighting was also good to highlight the harrowing scenes, although it did feel a bit too bright in places.

I must admit I did find it hard to get into at the beginning and was confused as to why Primrose was playing two characters, but it did get better as it went on. The dramatic scenes towards the end of the play make it an enjoyable watch.

Ross and Rachel is showing at the Altrincham Garrick Theatre until 22nd May at 7.30pm each evening. Full details can be found at https://www.altrinchamgarrick.co.uk/shows/ross-and-rachel-lauriston/

Reviewer: Brian Madden

Reviewed: 17th May 2022

North West End UK Rating: ★★★★
