The stage is set with Tez Liyas and Viraj Juneja, performing as DJ Pali and his roadie Jay, two men bonded by family ties and with generational differences set about reflecting on past and current life challenges whilst DJ’ing at an Asian Wedding. The wedding guests are provided by the audience seated with tables and chairs inclusive of a bar to replicate being at a wedding, simplistic and effective.

Pali reminisces his youth when he was a top DJ with his decks and was cheated out of winning a competition by a rival DJ. He is a shy respectable man who loves his Corsa, Chi tea and dreams that one day he will have an LED dance floor. In contrast to his nephew young Jay who likes drinking when working, is self-absorbed and very dismissive of Pali’s life. Jay thinks of Jay and their relationship becomes strained and physical ‘coming to blows’ amongst the bright neon lights and bhangra tunes.
Their story hi-lights serious life issues of divorce, abandonment and the inability to have children.
At times the comedic lines felt a little slow in their delivery whilst the Asian references did get laughs. To see the fusion of Anglo references within an Asian cultural performance was refreshing. The pace of the story did take some time to get going and for the audience to get a true sense of each character. It was only when their vulnerabilities was aired that you could see Pali and Jay’s depths of character and their emotion, and drama ensued with scenes of serious acting you would see in any good play. This switch was smooth and a credit to both Liyas and Juneja in their transition.
There was audience participation however a little confusing, but the spirit of this show was endearing and inclusive ending with an exit of everyone yes everyone leaving the building in true wedding style, fun and definitely wacky. Pali’ and Jay’s ultimate Asian wedding DJ roadshow has the ability to draw audiences and be a future success.
Reviewer: Michelle Knight
Reviewed: 24th August 2024
North West End UK Rating:
Running time: 60 mins