Gosh! Where to start on this highly unpleasant Macbeth mash-up. This is my 3rd instalment of my Macbeth marathon of the Fringe and an undoubted low point. Comparison is a wonderful tool!

But at least you got one star! That’s for your Macbeth, the undoubted star of this particular show, who shone with hope and ambition in a sea of troubles. Unfortunately, there is no possibility to name-check said star because you didn’t care enough to provide that information!
A show which shows no hand of a director, and the barest story and which has actors crossing each other, talking in unintelligible whispers with their back to the audience, and generally running around like headless chickens. A show which shows scant respect for their paying audience or for the craft of acting.
Adding to unpleasant was the constant loud ventilation fan noise, which never let up, and the auditorium was incredibly hot!
Oh! And then venue staff tell us to get out as crates are chucked across the stage even before the audience has get up out of their seats. And that’s with a reviewer in the front row! This is not how you do things guys.
Reviewer: Greg Holstead
Reviewed: 15th August 2023
North West End UK Rating: