On a, thankfully, sunny day, the Holstead family are Team 4 and directed by the delightful Carmel Calvin, to go forth and make some sweet music at a specific location, located by solving a puzzle. We have exactly an hour to return.

Brains suitably tested, puzzle solved, we set off with Steel tongue drum, thumb piano and maraca into the Edinburgh throng. It’s a hot day, but the kids, plinking on thumb piano and shaking maracas (carnival style) are not complaining, yet. In fact we draw some admiring glances, heads turn and smile. I’m sure if we had a hat we could make some money here!
A short walk and ice cream stop later we arrive, the kids miraculously still not complaining. Water tinkles in the background and we decide that this should definitely be part of our soundscape recording. Musical instruments are assigned, grabbed, microphone app is opened, phone is propped, and we start experimenting with our site specific composition. It’s a mess to begin with, instruments clash and there is much gesticulation. We hit playback, and we all agree that our first attempts sound like a one-man-band falling down a stair.
However, by the 4th or 5th or perhaps 6th attempt our 30 second recording begins to show promise, leaning towards a rhythm and tempo that everyone is buying into. Timings are voicelessly acknowledged. We begin to feel the primitive joy of actually making music! My wife suddenly feels the urge to let out a birdlike squawk. We nod with appreciative expressions, it works within the composition.
With an eye on our time we agree on the best composition and hit send to the Liminal Society. Whilst it all feels a bit rushed, there’s no doubt that the urgency acts as a driver to our imaginations.
When we return, Carmel is there to greet us smiling widely and complimenting us on our wonderful composition, which is already downloaded into the Vault, to be shared and enjoyed for ever more. Around us, we bump into the other groups that have been busy making poetry, creating sculptures, writing stories.
A clever idea, that marries art and intellect at a particular location within walking distance of the start point. It doesn’t really need the puzzles, it just needs the art and the people and the sun shining down to fight back against the void.
Reviewer: Greg Holstead
Reviewed: 8th August 2024
North West End UK Rating:
Running time – 1hr 15Mins.