Sunday, September 22

Contemporary Dance 2.0 – Battersea Arts Centre

Performed by Shechter II and produced by the Hofesh Shechter Company, Contemporary Dance 2.0 is a performance that bursts with an eclectic range of dance styles and full body movement, showcasing the talents of eight incredible dancers.

The audience are launched into the action with a shock opening, the dancers in impressive synchronisation. The routine is split into five different sections, a clever way to keep the audience’s interest and to tell the story. Repetitive movements as an ensemble are in perfect unison and are hugely impactful and exciting.

Each dancer is unique in their own way and draw the audience’s attention to them at different stages. This performance is definitely an ensemble piece, but the choreography and spacing gives each member the opportunity to shine. 

The routine is rehearsed to perfection, with the choreography clean and not a single member of the troupe out of time, creating a sense of togetherness. A particularly interesting artistic choice is the lack of gender stereotyped choreography. Gender neutral movements give the performance the particularly ‘contemporary’ feel of the show and allows the dancers to experiment with different styles of movement and use their entire bodies in an almost ‘animalistic’ interpretation.

While the costumes are slightly vague and incongruent, they allow for the audience to focus entirely on the interpretation of the dance and do not distract from the movement on stage. The lighting is used sparingly but becomes effective in moments that are darker and more graphic. The loud throbbing beats and music in addition to the blackouts heighten the senses, creating a euphoric feel to the show.

This performance shows a distinctive interpretation of contemporary dance which is accentuated by the diverse group of performers. At one stage, traditional contemporary dance is mocked, showing that dance can mean different things to those who interpret it. The performance has undeniable energy, the dancers each being technically very capable. It would be interesting to see even more of their expert abilities, particularly in the lift sections of the show. Overall, this performance is a new and innovate interpretation of contemporary dance and will be enjoyed by those who appreciate different styles of interpretive dance coming together.

Contemporary Dance 2.0 is showing at Battersea Arts Centre until 29th October 2022. All tickets are Pay What You Can and can be found at:

Reviewer: Maani Way

Reviewed: 26th October 2022

North West End UK Rating: ★★★★
