Wednesday, January 15

Colin Cloud: Consequences – Underbelly, Bristo Square

Colin Cloud’s return to the fringe is something to be celebrated, nay, something to be shouted about.  HURRAY!  The America’s Got Talent Las Vegas hotshot appears in what feels like a gothic setting in the McEwan Hall, the perfect venue for his performance which goes l-a-r-g-e and roves around the audience.

Since I last saw Colin (yes, I feel as if I know him from way back when the family and I first saw him on stage) he seems to have become more – more steampunk, more fearless.  Och, just more. 

I’m very aware that there are probably those who don’t believe in Colin’s mentalist powers.  Are these audience members planted?  How could he possibly know this?  How could he possibly know that?  Well, I’m here to tell you that several years ago, I was unwittingly one of these very audience members who just rocked up for a memorable night out – guaranteed when you go to a Colin Cloud show – and ended up having her mind read, totally inexpicably.  Not this time, mind you.  This time, I did that thing of keeping my head down and finding my shoelaces fascinating at the salient points.

In this show, there is a feeling of Colin coming home and personal stories are woven interestingly around the show’s title, ‘Consequences’.  Yes, there are consequences to actions.  And how.  Darn it.

There is an intimacy in watching him open up to the audience and ssssshhh, I hesitate to say it, but there are faint echoes of the Great D.B. (Derren Brown – or Derren, as I call him), when he opens up about the workings of a trick.  Or does he?  Maybe … maybe not …  Whatever the reality/unreality, the audience’s reactions are a constant treat.  Dumbfounded – gasping – ooohing – aaaahing – laughing – puzzling, the energy just sparks around the room.

Well done, Colin.  Or should I call you Mr Cloud now that you’re an international star?  Naw, I’ll stick with Colin.  Well done indeed.

Reviewer: Susan Cohen

Reviewed: 16th August 2024

North West End UK Rating:

Rating: 5 out of 5.