HUNCHtheatre turns 2!
HUNCHtheatre was formed by Oliver Bennett a British actor and writer of award-winning play ‘Europe After the Rain’ and Vladimir Shcherban (former director of most of the Belarus Free Theatre shows), who is based in London and works remotely with the artists in Minsk, and directs both the British and Russian plays. Their mutual belief in creating theatre without barriers is behind their name, they base their creativity on a ‘hunch’.
In the space of two years, HUNCHtheatre have produced ‘A Hero of Our Time’ which was written by Mikhail Lermontov, was adapted by Bennett and Shcherban and after starting its life performing in front of 10 people in a living room in London, it received rave reviews. This show was due to tour Belarus, Czech Republic and London and has unfortunately had to be r...