Kjetil Mulelid Trio – Traverse Bar
Returning from a trip to Oslo a few years back someone excitedly described Norway as ‘the new Scotland’; oil, fish, love of conversation fuelled, dare one admit, by a glass or two. Music was in there too and in 2025, let’s, specifically, add Jazz, though with a distinct folk/cultural bent. Just as Fergus McCreadie spirits one to the glens and lochs, this trio quickly has us gliding through the cool, clear air of the fjords. Jazz as a genre easily attracts derision from those unwilling to devote the required attention or application. There are ready-made phrases and cliches coined by a certain (brilliant!) sketch show a few moons ago but tonight’s performance, despite running things close, stayed just the right side of these. Improvisational it was, at points difficult to discern who was le...