Sunday, February 9

ADHD The Musical – Royal Court, Liverpool

ADHD The Musical is an enjoyable and informative show that explores the realities of life when your brain is ‘differently made’.  Written and performed by Dora Colquhoun the show is part musical parody, part stand-up and part ADHD infomercial. 

Colquhoun is an incredibly engaging performer who is ably supported by the excellent Karl LLorca (who provides BSL interpretation).  Indeed, Llorca was gifted a show stealing moment when Colquhoun’s mic pack malfunctioned, and he and musical director Luke Thomas, were required to entertain the sold-out Royal Court studio. 

Given the huge diagnosis gap between men and women with ADHD, with men almost three times more likely to be diagnosed, this is an important topic and one that Colquhoun, with collaborator Izzie Major, strive to fit into a compact show. 

The show is clearly evolving and there is further work to be done to find the right balance of information and entertainment and fully explore the musical format the title suggests.  At present, moments of brilliance are sometimes skipped over, and less powerful material is indulged.  The heart and soul of this piece is Colquhoun and her own stories of failed relationships, childhood trauma and lush bath bombs provide a more intriguing and insightful overview of ADHD than the barrage of facts that disrupt them. 

If the show can trust these moments more and tighten up some of the other elements, then this will be a really exciting piece of theatre.

Reviewer: Clare Chandler

Reviewed: 9th March 2022

North West End UK Rating: ★★★
