Friday, October 18

Corona Cutie: A Digital Quest for Love – Edinburgh Fringe

Part of this year’s Edinburgh Fringe, Corona Cutie tells the story of Claire who longs to be part of a fictional reality she cannot have and believes her problems can be solved by love. Claire is a hopeless romantic living in New York City who dreams of finding someone during the COVID-19 pandemic and decides to try online dating.

Written and composed by Lucy Gellar, the songs are funny, catchy and entertaining. Annika Hoseth delivers a relatable yet sweet performance as the slightly awkward Claire as she attempts virtual dating whilst on a journey of self-discovery. Hoseth portrayal of the aimlessness and frustration of online dating during the pandemic through Claire is certainly relatable especially in “Whatever I Say” which delves into the pressure of creating the perfect bio.

Rinny Williamson plays Pamela, Claire’s dramatic yet kind-hearted mother. Williamson has brilliant comedic timing in her performance of “World of Romance” as she enthusiastically encourages Claire to try and put herself out there online, it was a real standout song.  

The production certainly nails the trials and tribulations of online dating in the “Corona Cutie Theme” performed by the three “Cuties” played by Tray Hammond, Siena Hinshelwood and Emma Paulini. The talented trio successfully make light of the relentless nature of trying to “sell” yourself online with your profile as well as portraying the interesting characters many of us have come across on these websites, delivering a thoroughly enjoyable performance.

Corona Cutie is a short yet light-hearted show, the perfect pick-me-up for anyone struggling with online dating especially in these unusual times. The story reminds us that we are not alone in these dating struggles, it can be tough and is certainly not everyone’s cup of tea but taking care of yourself and having fun is key.

Corona Cutie: A Digital Quest for Love is available to watch on the Edinburgh Fringe website until 30th August and can be purchased here

Reviewer: Gemma Prince

Reviewed: 14th August 2021

North West End UK Rating: ★★★★
