Saturday, September 28

Midsummer Night’s Scream – Shakespeare North Playhouse

Well, what a wonderful pastime – to sit in an intimate circle, on a balmy summer evening (long awaited summer evening, I might add) in the garden theatre space – dedicated to the marvellous Sir Ken Dodd, listening to two incredible orators read spellbinding clips from three stories, all which had a spooky theme running through them – that kept every punter mesmerised.

I must admit I was not aware circle, scripts to see,  I adore the Shakespeare North Theatre in Prescott, as in addition to the classic Shakespearian comedies or tragedies, there is always the opportunity to see raw, new theatre, astonishing talent and varied layers of artistry and tonight was no exception, as the two readers – John Maguire and David Griffiths – stood within our circle,  scripts in hand, reading through the three wonderful pieces of literature. Firstly, was “The Cure” by Dorothy K Haynes, then “The Shining Pyramid” by Arthur Machen and then “Stoned” by the author/orator himself David Griffiths. Each story gave us insights into a dark, gruesome world of pure fantasy and imagination.

The stories were fascinating, different and beguiling. Traditionally, the company read ghost stories in the peaks of winter, and this was their first pilot of delivering ghosts studies in summer- linking conspicuously with the summer solstice. These stories were – “The Cure” telling the story of a young boy who is made to touch the hand of his hung father to bring him health and luck, “The Shining Pyramid” a tale of a missing girl and links to the underworld and then finally “Stoned” a story of a married couple who revisit the days of wild festivals to find that they will never return. Three very different but chilling tales that reminded me very much of the fairy tale writers – The Brothers Grimm.

John and David form the company “Arts Groupie CIC “a local community interest company that promotes and provides access to the arts across Merseyside, by developing their touring theatre and music productions and by facilitating educational workshops for both adults and children in creative writing and spoken word.  John is the author of the prestigious book ‘The Liver Bird’ and also runs walking tours around his beloved Liverpool sharing fascinating facts and fables of this wonderful city.

On returning home I immediately checked the company out to see the fascinating work that they are involved in across Merseyside to bring reading and more importantly listening – as John stated – “no-one listens anymore “to their local community and I couldn’t agree more.  

I thoroughly enjoyed this one hour of escapism and whole heartedly endorse the ethics of this company who are endeavouring to bring the spoken word into the world of social- media -obsessed communities encouraging them to listen like they probably haven’t done for decades. The company strive to reach areas of deprivation, working to champion women, older people and the LGBTQA community working in local schools, community hubs and local lesser-known theatres.  

I am very glad I attended this event this evening, I listened intensely and left wanting more. To be read to is such a simple joy that all of us should channel into and have the opportunity to reconnect to again. Look out for future events by this talented duo and go and enjoy a truly unique experience.    

Showing across Merseyside – dates/events on their website

Reviewer: Jan Mellor

Reviewed: 19th June 2024

North West End UK Rating:

Rating: 4 out of 5.