Threedumb Theatre

One Man Poe – Lauriston Castle, Edinburgh

As Part of the Edinburgh Horror Festival, at the historic Lauriston Castle overlooking the Firth of Forth, One Man Poe…

8 months ago

Paved with Gold and Ashes – Old Red Lion Theatre

Julia Thurston’s Paved with Gold and Ashes effectively captures the “American” gold-dusted dreams and hopes of five of the many immigrant garment…

11 months ago

Notre Dame – Online Digital Theatre

Victor Hugo’s seminal gothic work is brought to life in a new adaptation from writer Stuart Crowther in this live…

1 year ago

Dog/Actor – Greenside at Infirmary Street

From the pen of Steven Berkoff, these two short plays offer two vastly different stories, and a chance for ThreeDumb…

2 years ago

Dog/Actor – Hope Street Theatre

Steven Berkoff’s eloquent and evocative double bill performance of Dog / Actor is brought to the stage by Threedumb Theatre,…

2 years ago

One Man Poe Livestream – The Space Online

Written in the 1840’s by Edgar Allan Poe, this quartet of short stories and a poem show off to best…

3 years ago

The Black Cat – Threedumb Theatre @ the Space

Edgar Allen Poe’s macabre short story written in 1843 is one of the finest examples of gothic horror ever written.…

3 years ago

Within – Threedumb Theatre Live

Joseph Furey’s one man play tells the story of an isolated and lonely young man who downloads a creepy AI…

4 years ago