The Addams Family, a musical comedy, promises ghoulish jokes and familiar characters. These were dished with aplomb by a society…
In the early 1400s, a French nobleman, Gilles de Rais, was found guilty of kidnapping, raping, torturing and murdering children.…
The hype over Hamilton is spot on. This show tells the story of a political man, ambitious to make his…
When you witness talent, team-work and dedication combined with youth, you know you’re onto a winner. The Edinburgh University Footlights…
Valentine's night with the unpredictability of a jazz band proved interesting and entertaining at The Traverse bar. Wako, Norwegian Grammy…
[Un]lovable A Scratch Night Performance by Not so Nice! Theatre company is one hundred percent loveable. Each of the five…
The House is a fantastic little puppet world centered on the Warehouse Family Funeral Home. This particular cremation business is…
James Rowland’s one-man show, Learning to Fly, is engaging, heartwarming and very funny. He is a gifted storyteller with a…
I defy anyone not to love Schachmatt by Spanish choreographer, Cayetano Soto. It translates as Checkmate and playfully works its…
Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater Programme 2 toilet talk: “It wouldn’t have been my choice, but it was good. I…