Wise Children

Bluebeard – HOME, ManchesterBluebeard – HOME, Manchester

Bluebeard – HOME, Manchester

Lighter nights and the promise of Spring is in the air as I sit in Tony Wilson Place outside HOME,…

1 year ago
Wuthering Heights – King’s Theatre EdinburghWuthering Heights – King’s Theatre Edinburgh

Wuthering Heights – King’s Theatre Edinburgh

Wise Children’s Wuthering Heights takes its form as a creative and all together magical adaptation of the 1847 Emily Bronte…

3 years ago
Flying Lovers of Vitebsk – Bristol Old VicFlying Lovers of Vitebsk – Bristol Old Vic

Flying Lovers of Vitebsk – Bristol Old Vic

As theatre continues to adapt to the restrictions of a pandemic. Wise Children and the Kneehigh Theatre follow suite as…

4 years ago
Kneehigh’s The Flying Lovers of Vitebsk ExtendsKneehigh’s The Flying Lovers of Vitebsk Extends

Kneehigh’s The Flying Lovers of Vitebsk Extends

Bristol will be going into Tier 3 when lockdown ends on Wednesday, which means there will be no live audience…

4 years ago
Romantic Anonymous Live Broadcast – Bristol Old VicRomantic Anonymous Live Broadcast – Bristol Old Vic

Romantic Anonymous Live Broadcast – Bristol Old Vic

Wise Children and director Emma Rice serve up a delightful musical comedy confection based on the quirky French film Les…

4 years ago
Emma Rice’s theatre company Wise Children bring digital tour of Romantics Anonymous to LiverpoolEmma Rice’s theatre company Wise Children bring digital tour of Romantics Anonymous to Liverpool

Emma Rice’s theatre company Wise Children bring digital tour of Romantics Anonymous to Liverpool

A live performance of Wise Children, Bristol Old Vic and Plush Theatre Productions’ acclaimed Romantics Anonymous will be performed live…

5 years ago