North West

Snatched – The Lowry

Melissa Johns is extraordinary. Although, not necessarily for the reasons you might think, and certainly not just because she was born with a disability… She is extraordinary because she is uncompromising in her honesty, and she has learned to be unapologetically herself. In SNATCHED, she tells her story precisely because it is a story that everyone can identify with, whether they are disabled or not.

Theatre has value as entertainment, of course; and Johns is funny. The anecdotes she tells about her life are funny, and she has exceptional timing when telling them. But theatre can do so much more than just entertain, and I challenge anyone to go and see this production and not come away changed. We all have things that we can learn about ourselves and about society’s relationship to disability, body image and sexuality, and SNATCHED shines a light on all of those things and more as Johns shares episodes from her life leading up to the moment that served as the catalyst for this show: explicit photos being released from her iCloud by hackers.

Supported on stage by musician Imogen Halsey, who provides a carefully chosen live soundtrack by combining vocals keys, guitar and cello beautifully; Johns’ performance is vibrant and energetic, and yet quiet in all the moments it needs to be. Director Lily Levin worked with Johns to devise this production, and they have done a great job of telling this story in a way that is accessible and meaningful.

SNATCHED has one more show at The Lowry at 8pm on 14th May 2022, and that performance is also being live streamed. BSL interpretation will be provided. More information and ticket links can be found here:

Please note that this production contains adult themes and language.

The tour then continues to Soho Theatre, London (16th – 18th May), Unity Theatre, Liverpool (16th June), Octagon Theatre, Bolton (18th June), Northern Stage, Newcastle (21st – 22nd June), Yvonne Artaud Theatre, Guildford (24th June), The Pound Arts Centre, Corsham (25th June), Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff (29th June) and Courtyard Theatre, Hereford (1st July).

Reviewer: Jo Tillotson

Reviewed: 13th May 2022

North West End UK Rating: ★★★★★

Jo Tillotson

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