Over The Garden Wall – Unity Theatre Online

The last 18 months of social isolation have caused many of us to consider what it means to live in a community and why it is important to have support where you live. The creative team behind Over The Garden Wall, a digital production being shown by the Unity Theatre in Liverpool, have asked those same questions, and this animated short is the result.

Now, please do not be put off by the phrase “animated short”. Yes, this production is only 20 minutes long, and yes, it does include stop-motion and digital animation, as well as puppetry. But it is so much more than that. It is a heartfelt insight into Liverpool communities and what makes them special, how they grew, and why they are so important. You hear voices from those communities, supported by well-thought out and endearing animation projected onto white laundry in a back garden.

Katy-Anne Bellis, in collaboration with Collen Chandler and Focal Studios, is providing us with an honest look into these communities, and I found it quite emotional to hear about how these communities had grown, their importance through lockdown, and the pride that the residents have for their streets and their projects.

Take the time out of your day to pay what you can to watch, there is no fixed cost for this digital offering, and be encouraged and inspired by these communities and the people who live in them. I know I was.

Over The Garden Wall is available to watch online on demand until 26 September from

Reviewer: Jo Tillotson

Reviewed: 20th September 2021

North West End UK Rating: ★★★★

Jo Tillotson

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