Midnight – Daniel Lewis Wilson

Midnight – written, directed, and filmed by Daniel Lewis Wilson – is the sobering tale of what happens when an affair goes wrong and two lovers (Natasha Hale; Pete Austen) have to deal with its aftermath.

Austen captures the anger and frustration of the man whilst Hale’s more pensive and reflective woman hints towards the twist that will follow in this riveting short piece whose words and performances really hold the attention, with a natural awkwardness to their chemistry befitting of the moment they find themselves in.

Filmed in a single location, Wilson’s use of dark, light and shadow techniques, with the merest touch of colour, really adds to the intrigue and suspense, holding our attention whilst Marko Maksimovic’s Dark Ambient provides the perfect accompaniment.

With editing support from Ilaria Dallan (film) and Grace Long (script), it is not surprising that Midnight has been selected for over five festivals, won two best cinematography awards, and an honourable mention. I look forward to seeing more of Wilson’s work.

For further information go to

Reviewer: Mark Davoren

Reviewed: 20th August 2022

North West End UK Rating: ★★★★

Paul Downham

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