Categories: Scotland

Lucky 8 – The Space UK

Glass Half Full Theatre’s Lucky 8, written by Stephanie Silver and directed by Amelia Lovsey, is an original look at dating at work and the effect different commitments at home have when looking for love.

Marcy (Stephanie Silver) has a crush on a woman at work, played by Valenzia Spearpoint. Marcy is clumsy, awkward and suffers from self-confessed verbal diarrhoea, while Spearpoint’s character is confident and well put together in stylish linen clothing. Marcy develops a habit of watching Spearpoint from afar while trying to talk herself into asking her out, noticing that Spearpoint regularly consults a Magic 8 ball she keeps in her office, making Marcy believes that she believes in fate.

One morning Marcy excitedly tells us she has told her mother, who has MS and whom she cares for, that she will be home later that evening as she’s going to ask Spearpoint out. But the pedestal Marcy has built may be a little too perfect, and Spearpoint’s polished life isn’t everything that it seems to be.

This is a very clever piece which completely captures the spirit of a crush and shows both side of the story in an original and interesting way. Delivered mostly in a monologue style with the odd aside from the other actor, you really see the depths of both characters and the other people in their lives with both actors taking on double roles to illustrate life at home as well as in the office.

Silver’s performance as the clumsy and nervous Marcy is excellent and many people will be able to identify with her wanting to be noticed by Spearpoint, while equally being able to hide her awkwardness. Spearpoint’s character is seemingly more complex and her portrayal of the exposure of these overlapping layers is brilliant.

This is a unique piece of theatre, which explores the complications of realising some of your life has passed by without you. There is easily a longer piece within this story which could be told, exploring the themes of dating in the workplace and caring responsibilities at home further. The pain of loss within a crisis and the guilt of not knowing which direction to turn in next make this a compelling and thought provoking show.

Lucky 8 is being streamed on Online @theSpaceUK until 30th August 2020

Reviewer: Donna M Day

Reviewed: 28 August 2020

North West End UK Rating: ★★★★

Paul Downham

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