
La Clique – Spiegeltent, Leicester Square

I don’t remember the last time I booed – with disappointment – that a show was over. Such was the sheer joy I’d had watching La Clique, I never wanted it to end.

Billed as a cabaret, circus, comedy, music extravaganza, I can vouch that it is. And while it’s based in the tourist heartland of Leicester Square’s festive Christmas market, I can tell you there’s no tourist tat on offer here. What there is, is a madcap world of tomfoolery and off the wall antics that will have you begging for more.

Taking place in a big tent – which is warm and comfortable, and set with booths around the outer perimeter (designed for groups of 4-6), there are two stages which the performers make full use of.

The atmosphere from the start is frenetic and mad. The music is what I’d call ‘circus hyper’ and it makes you feel something wild is about to happen. The start of the show is, on reflection to the rest, rather staid. Beautiful and dramatic – it’s nothing like the crazy journey you’re about to witness – and love.

I don’t know what I expected from a cabaret performance, but I can tell you it was not La Clique – and I’m so happy about that. This is a show that defies expectations. It rips up the rule book and takes you along for the delirious ride. And it really is a journey to places you’d never think were possible inside a tent in Leicester Square.

I don’t want to detail the acts too much because I don’t want to have any spoilers, but I will tell you Tara Boom, The Queen of Chaos, does things with a popcorn machine, butter and hula hoops that will burn your eyes forever. You will smile whenever you remember this memory. It is – without a doubt – the mentalist thing I have ever seen on stage, and what a privilege it was. I am still laughing now.

We are living in a world that gets more miserable by the day, and it’s hard to find things to smile about. La Clique is anti-sad. I don’t care what problems you thought you had, when you enter that tent, you will forget them all. You will be transfixed and transported. It is an out of body experience.

La Clique is the antidote to the modern malaise. I cannot rate or recommend this show highly enough. You must go, your life is not complete without seeing La Clique.

La Clique runs until 6 January 2024,

Reviewer: Samantha Collett

Reviewed: 15th November 2023

North West End UK Rating:

Rating: 5 out of 5.
Samantha Collett

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