Jarman is the retelling of the extraordinary life of Derek Jarman, an artist, film maker, activist, painter and so much more demonstrating his want for freedom and expression on the world until his unfortunate death due to AIDS in 1994.
As you can tell from the synopsis to put on someone’s complete life story, especially one so complex with such highs and lows is no easy feat. Mark Farrelly who not only wrote but also performed this solo performance, portrayed this strong character extremely well.
His performance was thought provoking, defiant, strong and powerful as he navigated through the different chapters of Jarman’s life. With a very minimal staging and his only props being a torch, roll of paper, chair and a sheet. He imaginatively brought the character and scenes to life by creating such excellent imagery by utilising what was available to him. Alongside the staging and props, Farrelly had one costume which could be changed and adapted throughout the show which again added to his characterisation.
Farrelly effectively used his outstanding talents in physical theatre to keep the audience engaged and he injected some great comedic moments throughout. He immersed the audience within the story throughout by including them as different characters and speaking with them directly. His portrayal of Jarman’s final days before his death were harrowing and so beautifully pieces together to show the struggles, strength, despair and thoughts of the character as he left this world.
The lighting and sound was perfectly cued and added pace, mood and scene change and contrast throughout which hugely added to Farrelly’s performance.
Overall, a very thought provoking and powerful show, brilliantly executed. A huge achievement to hold an audience in the palm of your hand without leaving the stage once, solo perform and tell such an inspiring tale.
Reviewer: Stephanie Wiswall
Reviewed: 26th September 2024
North West End UK Rating:
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