The Dublin Fringe Festival 2019 hit by Sarah Richardson returns as an audio piece under new direction by award-winning artist, Ciara Elizabeth Smyth (All Honey, SAUCE, We Can’t Have Monkeys in the House). GirlPlay comes to Online@theSpaceUK after winning Best Digital Adaptation at Stockholm Fringe Festival 2020.
Richardson and Smyth have created a powerful audio piece that follows the journey of one woman’s ever-changing relationship with sex from ages 7 to 31. Join us for a poetic exploration of womanhood.
About the Show
Meet Lucy.
She’s average, awkward and when it comes to sex, what she lacks in experience she makes up for in curiosity. But that’s all set to change. On a night of firsts, she opens the door to a world of relationships and sex that she had only ever dreamt about. But is the reality all she that had hoped it would be? And can love really sustain the test of time?
An exploration of love and sex spun out in slam.
Winner: Stockholm Fringe Festival 2020, Best Digital Adaptation
About Sarah Richardson
Sarah is an English born actor based in Dublin. She graduated from the Gaiety School of Acting in 2018 and after graduating, she appeared in the Gaiety’s Shakespeare for Schools tour of Macbeth. She has featured in Lisa Canny’s music video for Freedom and Bullet Girl’s music video for The Rush. Sarah appeared in this year’s Dublin Fringe Festival in the debut production of GirlPlay, which she also wrote. She is currently an Associate Artist at axis:ballymun.
As well as acting, Sarah is an award-winning Spoken Word Poet, coming first in the Leinster heat of the All Ireland Slam Championships and coming 2nd overall. She can be found performing at many festivals and open mics around the country.
About Ciara Elizabeth Smyth
Ciara is an award-winning writer from Ireland. Her debut full-length play All honey (Fishamble New Writing Award) was presented as part of Dublin Fringe Festival 2017. Her second play Pacemaker was shortlisted for Fishamble’s A Play for Ireland initiative & she was awarded Writer in Residence in The New Theatre, Dublin. She presented We Can’t Have Monkeys in the House as her residency production, which then transferred to the Peacock Stage in August 2019 for the inaugural Young Curators Festival. Ciara was chosen as the playwright for Rough Magic SEEDS Programme 2018-2020 and was awarded a place on the Abbey Works programme 2019 in the Abbey Theatre, Dublin.
Her most recent play, SAUCE, was presented in Dublin Fringe Festival 2019 (nominated for the Little Gem Award, Judge’s Choice Award & Spirit of the Fringe Award) and was recently published by Nick Hern Books. SAUCE will be on tour in 2020/2021 and is currently being adapted as a television series.
Listings information:
Venue: Online@theSpaceUK
Dates: 8th – 31st January 2021
Length: 0hr55
Ticket prices: Free
Suitable for all ages 15+
The performance contains explicit and sexual language and themes of child bereavement.
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