
Margolyes & Dickens: The Best Bits – Pleasance at EICC

Seventy minutes with an 83-year-old who’s got all her marbles and oodles of talent besides was one brilliant way to…

2 months ago

Craig Hill: I’ve Been Sitting on This For a While – Just The Tonic Nucleus

This wis sae, sae funny! Seriously. It wis hilarious. I wasnae sure tae begin wi’. I thought it might be…

2 months ago

I’m Almost There – Summerhall Main Hall

This might just be the best day I’ve ever had at the Edinburgh Fringe. I’ve just come from Every Brilliant…

2 months ago

Every Brilliant Thing – Roundabout @ Summerhall

Every Brilliant Thing, by Duncan MacMillan and Jonny Donahue is back and goes straight in at number one on my…

2 months ago

Sh!t Theatre: Or What’s Left Of Us – Summerhall Tech Cube

Like a pair of iconic Midsommer maidens, in mediaeval garb, replete with silly Wicker Man – style animal head hats…

2 months ago

Until The Next Wedding – Paradise in Augustines

Until The Next Wedding was brought to us by Under the Rug Theatre. This “not so rom com” was written…

2 months ago

Lynn Faces – Summerhall Main Hall

It’s odd. Very odd! Following on from Laura Horton’s 2022 near perfect, sensitively written award-winning Breathless which focussed on mental…

2 months ago

Ne’er The Twain – Mayfield Salisbury Church

Edinburgh People’s Theatre (EPT) has been at the Fringe since the very beginning. The members speak with pride of their…

2 months ago

Lads of the Flies – The Space @ Niddry Street

STAG (Student Theatre at Glasgow), takes the Fringe by storm with their latest production written and directed by Grace Donaldson. …

2 months ago

Dionysa – C Arts Aquila

I am on a roll with Greek tragedies at the 2024 Edinburgh Fringe Festival, and the Wellington College Theatre Collective’s…

2 months ago